Friday, February 13, 2009

Random Thought.

So now & days everyone is having babies. I'm happy for them. I'm actually one of few in my circle that doesn't have any kids. I think having babies is a beautiful thing, and I look forward to having some of my own someday.
It bothers me to see the shit I see on the daily basis. I sometimes come across Girls having kids to trap or keep a guy attached. What kind of stupid,Immature,...I can't think of any other words at the moment[Thats how confused I am] shit is that! Its like whats wrong with this world! What are these bitches thinking when they make these decision. What happens when you give birth and the dude wants nothing with you? He's been telling you from the gate to don't have the kid, But you insist. You think that it will all change when the day comes that your water breaks...
& the dude is no where to be found. You thought it was going to " Happily Ever After "
Its nothing but a disaster.
I'm just saying, If you want to have kids, Make sure your in the right situation.
Make sure your financially fit for it. Make sure your in love. I know mistake happens, and you might not believe in abortions...So your forced to keep it. If so, I don't have anything to say to that. Lets stop having babies for all the wrong reasons!